Thursday, August 14, 2014

And the nominees are...

Gif from themarthaanne

I was nominated by the awesome Ella for the Liebster Award! This is a way for bloggers to discover new blogs and help blogs to get noticed.

  • Link back to the person that nominated you
  • Write 11 facts about yourself
  • Answer the questions from the person that nominated you
  • Nominate 11 other blogs for the Liebster Award
  • Write 11 questions you want to know about the other nominees
  • Let the nominees know they've been nominated and give access to award/questions
 Okay so let's with the facts about myself
  1. I am a huge procrastinator. It's definitely a habit that I should work on :/ 
  2. I play tennis and the saxophone. 
  3. My favorite color is green.
  4. I collect Momiji dolls.
  5. I have about 10 records right now and I hope to get more! 
  6. Clothes with embroidery is my weakness
  7. I love stickers but when I get them I never use them because I feel like I have to wait for a good opportunity.
  8. I have the same birthday as my mom 
  9. I tend to be obsessed with things instantly 
  10. I'm really shy when it comes to asking for things. For example, ordering a drink at a restaurant. But if it's in a school situation, I love meeting new people!
  11. I have glasses but mostly wear contacts. 
 Q &A
  1. If you could have any superpower what would it be?
    • Mind reading
  2. What is your favourite flower?
    • Cherry blossoms
  3. Summer or Winter?
    • Fall?? I can't pick one. In the summer I wish it was winter and then in the winter I wish it was summer so all the seasons sounds good to me. 
  4. Three words to describe your style
    • Interesting patterns with a dash of hipster
  5. Are you still in school?
    • Yep
  6. What would be your dream job?
    • I'd love to be a graphic designer!
  7. What is your favourite restaurant?
    • I don't necessarily have one. I'd eat anywhere!
  8. If you had to live in another country what would it be, and why?
    • All of them? Haha sorry I'm terrible at answering questions.
  9. Favourite song at the moment?
    • Float by The Neighbourhood
  10. What was the last book you read, and thoughts?
    • A Man for All Seasons. Didn't understand anything that was going on. 
  11. Favourite quote?
    • "What a treacherous thing to believe a person is more than a person."-John Green, Paper Towns
So I'm really new to blogger so I don't know that many blogs and the people I was going to nominate already did this tag sooo I though I'd open it up to whoever wants. If you would like to do this tag, go for it! Or even commenting the answers would work too.

Questions for you!
  1. One thing on your bucket list? 
  2. Who/What/Where does your blogging inspiration come from?
  3. Favorite quote and why?
  4. What's something that makes you laugh out loud?
  5. Favorite social media?
  6. What did you want to be when you were a child? Or what do you want to be now?
  7. Favorite book?
  8. Favorite thing about blogging?
  9. Least favorite thing about blogging? (It's okay to be honest)
  10. Last place you traveled to?
  11. Do you have any pets?

If you read the whole thing, you deserve an award. This whole thing was really fun to do, but a ton to type. Hope you guys liked it and possibly answer some questions!

♥ Courtney

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